Case study

How RubyGarage Created the Online Healthcare Marketplace for Dr. Adam Douglas

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Dr. Adam Douglas, our client, often felt discouraged by the limitations of how patients receive healthcare services. He saw patients living in rural and low-income areas who had very few opportunities to visit healthcare centers. He knew they had to travel long distances to see a medical specialist. Many couldn’t afford the cost of medical care or had to wait their turn for months.


Dr. Douglas began seeking out a better way to help various groups of people access medical care. He teamed up with colleagues who shared his vision to create an online marketplace. By using this solution, patients from various locations with various incomes could quickly find medical specialists, connect with them, and enjoy high-quality services. The platform would help people get the timely medical care they need at a price they could afford.


To bring this product idea to life, our client reached out to RubyGarage. He shared a product vision with us that included the following challenges:

  • Build a budget-friendly solution rich in features
  • Create an intuitive interface and make features like a scheduling system, billing, video calls, and patient monitoring more user-friendly
  • Ensure the product meets the strict requirements of the healthcare industry
  • Make sure that patients using the platform will get high-quality care
  • Choose technologies that can handle a growing number of users and will allow for EHR integrations
  • Make sure the solution is secure and protects patients’ privacy and personal data

The RubyGarage team took on the challenge. We wanted to help proactive medical professionals make healthcare better by bringing their new product idea to life.


The RubyGarage team collaborated closely with the client through every stage — from initial ideation to post-launch support — to build AirPMD, a comprehensive virtual healthcare marketplace. Our tailored approach involved rigorous market research, intuitive UI/UX design, robust development, and stringent security measures, culminating in a platform that successfully bridges patients with various healthcare providers.

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    Research and planning

    1. Product ideation

    Our journey began with Product Ideation. Together with our client, we identified key features for an intuitive medical platform, aiming to simplify patients' access to doctors and health records.

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    Research and planning

    2. Research and planning

    In the Research and Planning phase, we studied market competitors, potential challenges (like regulatory compliance, data security, and healthcare system integration), and users' needs. This research shaped the product's design to fit its audience.

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    Research and planning

    3. UI/UX design

    Next, we commenced the UI/UX design. Our designers made simple wireframes and prototypes, refining them through user feedback until they met our standards.

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    Research and planning

    4. Development

    We then started building the platform with our expert development team. They began with an MVP, incorporating core features like telemedicine and appointment scheduling. The developers worked closely with the client, updating them frequently.

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    5. Security and compliance

    Throughout the build, we ensured the product's safety and compliance with HIPAA and GDPR. We consulted legal experts, utilized strong encryption, and routinely checked for possible security issues.

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    Research and planning

    6. Integration

    We also coordinated with other healthcare system providers to ensure seamless integration and improved user experience.

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    7. QA and testing

    After six months, we entered the Testing and Quality Assurance phase, conducting functional, performance, and security tests. We beta tested with select users and refined the platform based on their feedback.

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    8. Launch

    Finally, we launched the AirPMD marketplace, confident in its potential to revolutionize patient-provider interaction.

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    9. Post-launch

    Post-launch, the platform gained traction, transforming healthcare service delivery. We continued improving the marketplace, maintaining its smooth operation and adding new features. We continue to work on the platform to ensure AirPMD will keep helping people for years to come.


As a result, the RubyGarage team developed the AirPMD marketplace, which is a digital space where patients can receive virtual medical care. They can schedule online visits, get diagnoses and treatments, and search for budget-friendly healthcare services. AirPMD connects patients with doctors, nurses, therapists, and many other medical specialists who are ready to help.

Efficient MVP creation

Our team at RubyGarage delivered a cost-efficient MVP for AirPMD, meeting the project's established milestones within budget.

Exceptional user interface and experience

We focused on creating a user-friendly interface and providing an excellent user experience designed specifically for both patients and healthcare providers in the AirPMD platform.

Robust security measures

Strong encryption, secure data storage, and access controls were implemented to protect personal information, bolstering user confidence in the platform.

Compliance with legal regulations

The product was developed in line with HIPAA and GDPR rules, telemedicine regulations, medical licensing requirements, and other applicable laws, ensuring a seamless AirPMD operation.

Seamless integrations

Collaborating with EHR vendors and billing system providers, we developed APIs and data formats, contributing to AirPMD unique set of features.

High-quality remote medical services

We used best practices and guidelines in the creation of AirPMD, enabling high-quality remote medical services and enhancing user approval.

Cutting-edge technology utilization

We revolutionized the AirPMD platform by using modern and scalable technologies, leading to its positive reception and business expansion.

Integration of popular payment options

We integrated popular payment gateways into AirPMD, providing a user-friendly booking system and secure payments, which helped accelerate the platform's growth.

Multi-platform accessibility

We developed AirPMD to be accessible across all devices, enhancing the reach and adoption rate among diverse user groups.

Adherence to accessibility standards

Our team ensured that the AirPMD platform complies with Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG), making it more accessible to users with disabilities.

Automated appointment scheduling

RubyGarage implemented an intelligent appointment scheduling system that streamlines the booking process, reducing administrative overhead for healthcare providers.

Comprehensive analytics dashboard

We incorporated a real-time analytics dashboard into AirPMD, empowering healthcare providers and administrators with actionable insights into user behavior and system performance.

Advanced search filters

By adding multiple search filter options, we've made it easier for patients to find healthcare services that precisely meet their needs and preferences.

Streamlined billing and invoice management

RubyGarage integrated a comprehensive billing and invoice management system, simplifying financial operations for both healthcare providers and patients.

Real-time notifications

We added real-time notification features to keep users informed about appointment confirmations, prescription updates, and other essential healthcare events.

Key features

The AirPMD platform boasts various features designed to streamline the healthcare experience for providers and patients. From an intuitive provider search directory and simplified appointment management to telemedicine capabilities and secure electronic health records, AirPMD is an all-in-one solution for comprehensive healthcare delivery and coordination.

Appointment scheduling and management

Patients can easily book, reschedule, cancel, and manage appointments. The process is smooth and efficient, saving valuable time.

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Patients can book remote consultations via video, chat, or phone. They can also get real-time diagnoses, treatments, and follow-up care without visiting in person.

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Electronic health records (EHR) integration

Patient medical history, test results, treatment plans, and other records are secure. Only providers who have access to the information can share records.

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Prescription management

With AirPMD, patients and providers can easily use electronic prescriptions, track medication use, and order prescription refills.

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Billing and insurance processing

Managing medical billing, insurance claims, and payments through a centralized system is made simple through this platform. This simplicity helps to reduce errors and speed up reimbursement processes.

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Remote patient monitoring

Providers can keep in touch with patients and remotely track symptoms and health conditions by using connected medical devices and wearables.

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Health education and resources

Patients can get reliable information and tools to better understand their health conditions and treatment options. It allows them to take an active role in their healthcare journey.

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Patient and provider communication

Secure and efficient communication between patients and healthcare providers is key to a full recovery. With AirPMD, they can exchange timely messages, notifications, and alerts to better coordinate care.

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Community support and networking

Patients can find support in a community sharing similar health conditions or experiences. They can connect with others, share knowledge and tips, and encourage other patients.

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Key features

The AirPMD platform boasts various features designed to streamline the healthcare experience for providers and patients. From an intuitive provider search directory and simplified appointment management to telemedicine capabilities and secure electronic health records, AirPMD is an all-in-one solution for comprehensive healthcare delivery and coordination.

Provider search and directory

Searching, comparing, and choosing healthcare providers is simple with AirPMD. Patients can filter their choices by specialization, location, experience, or patient reviews.

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Technology stack

We selected a technology stack combining the modern Ruby on Rails framework with Ruby gems and approaches, powerful frontend, and other supporting technologies.


RubyGarage employed TypeScript, React.js, and Redux to craft an intuitive and responsive user interface for AirPMD, enhancing both patient and healthcare provider experiences.




Typescript is a statically typed superset of JavaScript that adds optional types to the code, resulting in more robust and maintainable codebases.


React.js is a popular JavaScript library for building interactive user interfaces, which allows for efficient rendering and an excellent user experience.


Redux is a predictable state container for JavaScript applications that helps manage the state of the frontend application in a more organized manner.


Utilizing Ruby on Rails and additional tools like Sidekiq, we rapidly developed a secure, maintainable, and compliant backend for AirPMD, meeting all project milestones.

Ruby on rails


Ruby on rails

Ruby on rails is a powerful and mature web application framework for the Ruby programming language designed to promote rapid development, clean code, and maintainability.


Sidekiq is a popular and efficient background processing library for Ruby that allows you to run asynchronous tasks in parallel, improving application performance.


ActiveAdmin is a Ruby on Rails plugin for creating flexible and customizable administration dashboards, which can be used in the context of health education and resources to easily manage, curate, and present content, schedule educational events, track user engagement, and organize resources for users.


Devise is a flexible authentication gem for Rails that simplifies user management and supports various authentication strategies.


Omniauth is a flexible authentication gem for Rails that supports multiple authentication providers, such as OAuth2, OpenID Connect, and SAML.

Hosting services and infrastructure

With AWS, Docker, and Kubernetes, RubyGarage built a scalable, reliable, and secure hosting environment for AirPMD, ensuring high availability and robust security measures.


Hosting services and infrastructure


AWS (Amazon Web Services) is a comprehensive and widely adopted cloud platform that offers a range of cloud computing services, including computing power, storage, and databases, ensuring the platform's scalability, reliability, and security.


Docker is a platform that automates container application deployment, scaling, and management, enabling consistent and efficient application delivery.


Kubernetes is a container orchestration platform for automating deployment, scaling, and managing containerized applications, which helps ensure the high availability and scalability of the platform.

Data storages

By leveraging PostgreSQL, Elasticsearch, and Redis, we've created a robust and efficient data storage system for AirPMD that supports advanced search features and real-time analytics.


Data storages


PostgreSQL is a powerful, enterprise-class, open-source relational database with support for advanced data types, making it a great choice for a scalable and high-performance platform.


Elasticsearch is a powerful, distributed, RESTful search and analytics engine that enables users to search and analyze data in real time. Elasticsearch is perfect for implementing advanced search features and geolocation services.


Redis is an in-memory data structure store used as a database, cache, and message broker that helps improve the performance and scalability of the application.


RubyGarage seamlessly integrated APIs like WebRTC, Twilio, and Stripe into AirPMD, enabling real-time communication and secure online payments.




WebRTC is a free, open-source project with real-time communication capabilities for web browsers and mobile applications, allowing for secure video and audio calls.


Twilio is a telecommunications platform that provides video, voice, and messaging APIs, enabling telemedicine features.


FHIR (Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources) is a standard for electronically exchanging healthcare information, allowing EHR integration with various providers.

e-Prescribing APIs

e-Prescribing APIs help integrate third-party APIs for secure electronic prescription management and transmission.

Stripe API

Stripe API is a suite of payment APIs that enable businesses to securely and efficiently accept and manage online payments.

Stripe Ruby gem

Stripe Ruby gem is a Ruby library that simplifies integration with the Stripe API.

Eligible API

Eligible API is a healthcare-focused API for insurance claims processing and eligibility verification.


IceCube is a Ruby gem for handling recurring events and schedules, useful for managing appointments and availability.

Google Calendar API

Google Calendar API enables appointment and availability syncing between the platform and the providers’ calendars.

Quality assurance

Using RSpec, FactoryBot, and Jenkins, RubyGarage established a comprehensive quality assurance process, ensuring AirPMD's high-quality performance and continuous improvement.


Quality assurance


RSpec is a behavior-driven development (BDD) framework for Ruby programming language that assists in writing executable examples to describe the behavior of your code with high readability.


FactoryBot is a fixtures replacement tool for setting up Ruby objects as test data, designed to maintain a readable API while reducing the complexity of creating rich, nuanced objects for tests.


Capybara is an acceptance test framework for web applications in Ruby that simulates how a user would interact with your application, supporting multiple web drivers and various types of user interactions.


Jenkins provides tools for automating the process of building, testing, and deploying applications, ensuring that the platform is always up-to-date and maintaining a high-quality codebase.

Want to build a healthcare online marketplace that will disrupt the healthcare landscape?

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  2. check icon 13+ years in the development and service design market
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