How to Improve the Mobile Customer Experience: Best Tactics

  • 6 min
  • Sep 24, 2019
Anastasia Z.

Anastasia Z.


Dmitriy G.

Dmitriy G.

Head of BA Office


Mobile apps are an integral part of daily life. According to Smart Insights, 80 percent of internet users own a smartphone. That’s why it’s more important than ever for ecommerce businesses to target mobile customers.

To avoid being left behind, it’s critical to pay attention to the mobile customer experience (CX). We’ve prepared a list of proven tactics that will significantly enhance your customer experience.

To understand the importance of the mobile customer experience for business, consider the following statistics:

mobile customer experience

Effective ways to improve the mobile customer experience

Add a personal touch

By knowing who your users are, you can avoid sending impersonal and annoying messages. Personalized experiences not only provide an exceptional customer journey but considerably increase the amount of time customers spend in an app.

Use valuable insights into customer behavior to create a mobile experience that works well for your audience. After that, you can provide relevant offers and personalized content, such as catalogs.

Push notifications are a nice way of adding a personal touch. They’re efficient because they improve users’ contact with products. With push notifications, online stores can remind customers about abandoned carts, for instance.

Push notifications enable ecommerce stores to promote special offers and discounts to increase sales.

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The example of how push notification promotes special offers

Regular push notifications keep customers informed, make marketing more effective, and communicate with customers without spamming their inboxes.

Optimize the purchasing experience

Convenience is not nice to have; it’s a must for modern interfaces. On the way to an ultra-convenient purchasing experience, the first step you should take is to provide a variety of payment methods: credit cards, PayPal, Amazon Pay, Visa Checkout, mobile payments like Apple Pay and Google Pay.

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Optimize the purchasing experience via a variety of payment methods

Kohl’s offers a great example of how mobile payments can streamline the checkout process. They offer a reliable mobile payment feature that lets buyers scan once to pay, activate discounts, and earn loyalty points.

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Kohl’s streamlined checkout process

Another way to improve the customer experience is with fingerprint checkout, which allows customers to pay with a single tap of a finger. It’s fast, since users don’t need to fill in any information, and it’s secure.

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The example of fingerprint checkout

Finally, don’t make the purchasing process long and clunky, since online shoppers tend to abandon their shopping carts if it takes too long to check out.

To make your checkout process hassle-free, consider these tips:

Provide a guest checkout option. Don’t make customers create an account to make a purchase. A good practice is to provide a fast and simple checkout experience that eliminates all non-essential steps, just like eBay did.

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eBay’s guest checkout option

Offer an optional login. Why force customers to create one more account when they already have social media accounts? Offering customers to sign in via social networking accounts like Facebook or Google is a great way to avoid complicated forms and improve usability.

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Poshmark’s optional login

Don’t ask customers for too much information. Instead, minimize the number of fields to make the checkout process less painful.

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An example of simple checkout process

Provide ongoing support

Customers expect businesses to be always on. To show people you’re responsive and available and to create a more compelling mobile customer experience, use live chat or phone support. These communication methods allow customers to get responses in real time.

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Some customers consider human interaction slow and frustrating and don’t want to talk to a person. For these customers, it’s better to provide a Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) page that offers solutions to common issues.

Don’t wait for customers to ask for help. Make your customer support original by adding an extra and valuable feature. For example, the Cole Haan app allows customers to call an Uber with the store’s location already programmed in. This makes it easy for customers to get to a Cole Haan store with only one touch.

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Cole Haan’s valuable feature

Keep customer loyalty strong

According to the Temkin Group, loyal customers are five times more likely to buy from a company again, and they’re four times more likely to bring another customer.

Here are some tricks to keep your customers loyal:

Rewards encourage customers to buy from your company. Put simply, the more customers buy, the more they’re rewarded. As a result, businesses increase sales and win loyal customers. For example, Urban Outfitters offers 10 percent off when customers join their rewards program. Moreover, customers can get rewards after buying something, sharing on social media, or visiting a store.

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Rewards program of Urban Outfitters

Coupons. Special offers and coupons can drive brand recognition, increase purchase frequency and, ultimately, boost sales. For example, McDonald’s regularly offers deals and coupons. Customers can find offers when ordering via the mobile app. That’s a great incentive to download the app. As a recent report by SimilarWeb shows, McDonald’s daily app usage increased from 20 to 40 percent within a few months after applying this strategy.

Social posting. Encourage customers to share on social media and mention your company. For example, Oscar Mayer offers a coupon to customers who share a “taste-a-monial” on Facebook.

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Oscar Mayer’s coupon

The customer experience is about how users feel about your product. So be creative with leveraging mobile capabilities to empower your customer experience and increase customer loyalty.

Wrapping up

Improving the mobile customer experience is an ongoing process that depends mostly on your target audience. To keep up with market requirements, you should constantly analyze the market, conduct experiments, and implement appropriate solutions.



Anastasia Z.

Anastasia Z.


Dmitriy G.

Dmitriy G.

Head of BA Office

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